Fire prevention in Cambridgeshire





Here at Zen Fire Assessments Ltd, we want to make sure you are well informed about every aspect of fire safety.

This allows you to keep your premises safe without being pressured into spending money needlessly on alterations. We are experienced in all aspects of fire prevention in Cambridgeshire, and are here to help you keep your property safe and help you navigate the important technical regulations in this area.



What are the laws on fire safety?

Fire safety regulations are continually being updated, and the latest legislation in 2022 covers previous oversights in exterior walls and cladding. The majority of regulations come from The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which covers general fire safety in England and Wales.

When should I have a Fire Risk Assessment?

You will need an Assessment if your premises usually has five or more people occupying it at any one time. It is also necessary to have one performed if your property is altered significantly.

Who needs to have a Fire Assessment?

This applies to both landlords and business owners: anyone who is responsible for the safety of the occupants.

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

Having an Assessment involves a gauging the potential causes of a fire in a property, and the dangers such a fire could pose to occupants of the building. The report will be a methodical summary of any risks, hazards, and plans, including escape routes, fire doors, and causes for concern. As experts in fire prevention in Cambridgeshire, we can compile a Fire Risk Assessment for your business.

What do I have to do?

You will need an Assessment if the premises is new or has been substantially renovated, and requires you to take the appropriate safety measures to reduce risk to life.

What are the benefits of having a Fire Risk Assessment?

Risk Assessments are valuable assets for insurance evaluations, which can reduce your insurance premiums, especially if you can show you have taken them seriously and acted on their recommendations. Needless to say, doing this will also make your workplace or housing a safer place to be.

Do I need to have one every year?

No, but if you make a significant change to either the premises itself or the working practices, then it becomes a requirement to renew your Assessment.

Will I need to install fire alarms, fire doors, and fire escapes?

Each business and property is assessed individually, and we shall determine the most appropriate measures for each situation.

Will the Fire Service visit my premises?

Possibly. If your property is of significant size and importance, this is much more likely. They are the enforcing authority for fire safety regulations, and perform their assessments and inspections with a similar methodology to our own. If you need, we can liaise with them on your behalf.

What happens if I don’t comply with regulations?

If there is a fire risk that is not being managed, the Fire Authorities will enforce compliance, and serve an official notice for you to do so. Serious breaches can result in unlimited fines, and even prison sentences. The largest fine so far has been £400,000.

What does Fire Safety Training entail?

If you are running a business, it is important that employees have adequate fire safety training to deal with all foreseeable eventualities. The training includes evacuation procedures, types of fires, using extinguishers – including recognising which extinguishers to use on which fires, and basic firefighting skills. As experts in fire prevention in Cambridgeshire, we can take care of all your fire training needs.



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